Nick & Betty's Italy vacation
Sept. 13 - Oct. 3, 2006

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On Sept. 24th, we drove to Volterra in central Tuscany.  One of Italy's best preserved hill towns
A prison sits above the town Volterra's Main Street The Prison Walls
Sunday car show in Volterra's town square
We took a capachino rest stop in Mazzola hilltop village near Volterra

On Sept. 26th we visited Siena and the Piazza Del Campo

The piazza is shell shaped, symbolically uniting the different levels formed by the conjunction of the three hills on which the city was founded.

Comedian spraying water on tourists Siena's Duomo Siena's crowds
Tuscani - Monteriggioni
Monteriggioni - A completely walled 16th century town near Siena

Lorraine, Betty, Nick, Carol, John and Roger in Monteriggioni
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