is it like to be 80 year old? Wow! I think it's fantastic to reach the age of 80. Just to
think that my parents never reached that age, although my mother did live until she was 78
years old. But I can't recall any of my uncles reaching that age. My three aunts,
Concetta, Rose and Anna, are still living today. They are 91, 88, and 84, respectively.I don't know to what they attributed their old age, but I can
attribute mine to living a good healthy life. Not smoking, moderate alcohol, and wine with
my meals at all times. I can only remember three times in my life that I abused my
drinking of alcohol. After each time, I swore it would never happen again. The third was
the one that did it.
I am happy
to reach the age of 80, and Jule will feel that way too. Not many people reach the age of
80 without having some physical problem or ailment. What is important about being old is not to overdo anything
injurious to your health or life. I recommend drinking a lot of milk for good solid bones
and teeth, exercising all you can when you can, but not overdoing it, and having lots of
love for your fellow man and all outdoors.
Speaking about milk, I remember in my teen years I would
consume about two quarts of milk a day. I just loved good, cold milk. Many times I would
drink down a quart without stopping. When I was a teenager, my dad would go to a farm
nearby and purchase fresh milk. He'd bring it home and we would all drink it. In Italy
there used to be goat's milk for me, to build me up. |