City College Manchester 1996 - 1997
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Nick Maffei in Manchester, England


City College Manchester Fulbrighters Britain Europe Visitors

(Click on photos to enlarge)

London - September 19-21, 1996

US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London.
The American Exchange Teachers met here for a
 Welcoming Reception with the US Ambassador.

Afterward eleven of us walked over to Kettners
one of London's oldest restaurants located in Soho.

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Sheffield - Thanksgiving 1996  
Thirty Six Fulbright Teachers and friends celebrated Thanksgiving in Sheffield, in South Yorkshire.

We also had a tour of the Village of Eyam that shut itself up with the plague in 1665 to prevent an epidemic in neighboring villages.  It took 15 months for the plague to die in the hard winter of 1666. By then its toll was 260 out of the villages 350 inhabitants.

Northern Ireland - April 23-27,1997
BelfastTour.jpg (100039 bytes) Belfast in Northern Ireland.  Exchange Teachers on a tour in front of the Legislative Buildings.

Carrick Castle in Northern  Ireland.  Center three: Rob, Tracy and Ellen.

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Cardiff, Wales -May 3-5,1997

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Tony Lloyd our host in Cardiff, explaining the origin of the
Welch Cross to a group of Exchange Teachers.

Some of the 146 Exchange Teachers in Britain.  Mostly from Australia, Canada and the USA.

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Exchange Teachers dinning at Captains Wife's Restaurant.
Cardiff, Wales

Farewell Royal Garden Party,
St. Mary's University in Twickenham - July 2, 1997
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London. Exchange teachers boarding the bus in London to go to the Royal Garden Party.

The farewell Royal Garden Party at St. Mary's University
in Twickenham.  Hosted by Princess Margaret.

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Jack and Nancy Alves, Judy Tuckwiller and Nick Maffei.

Paul and Donna Smith, Nick, 
Jack and Nancy Alves.

The Australians.  The chairs were turned over because of early rain.

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